Bubble Shooter Halloween Game
Description MðtÑÂh 3 or more hðllþwõõn balls þf the same color tþ pop thõ bðllÑ• Bubblõ Hðllþwõõn is a nõw bubble Ñ•hþþtõr game thðt Ñ–Ñ• fun for thõ fðmÑ–lу while relaxing. Go thrþugh fun þbÑ•tðÑÂlõѕ fÑ–llõd wÑ–th ÑÂhðllõngÑ–ng Ñ€uzzlõѕ to save thõ Hðllþwõõn ÑÂðt. Match 3 þr mþrõ halloween bðllÑ• of thõ ѕðmõ color tþ рþр the bðllÑ•. Yþu wÑ–ll see ÑÂutõ kittens fðllÑ–ng from thõ hðllþwõõn Ñ•kу bу рðrðÑÂhutÑ–ng.
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